Sunday, October 30, 2016

How did Michigan Receive Post on "Move Over People"?

Posting on Facebook Results

Recent published posting to reach people in the state of Michigan has arrived. There where a total of 1069 individuals who got a glimpse of this life saving message. Of those there where 38 reactions. That gives just over a 3 percent rate of interaction for this post for Michigan with over 9.9 million people.

Specifically there where 25 post likes and 2 shares.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

"Move Over People" State Flower Numbers

State Flowers Number Image

I've added a State number locator image to the artist web page "Move Over People"  Although you may have to do some searching, this should make it easier to find where your State flower is positioned on the composition of the artwork.

Clicking on the image while on that page will also enable viewing of a larger image. References for the each State number is located in the far right column of the alphabetical listing of States.

Friday, October 14, 2016

"Move Over People" Michigan Apple Blossom

Highlights Painted On Apple Blossom

Recently painted on the highlights of the Apple Blossom of the Michigan State flower rendered in the "Move Over People" painting. I used a blend of Zinc White with a mixture of Cadmium Yellow with French Ultramarine to create a desired green for the leaf colours. French Ultramarine was brushed in to the dark shadow areas of the leaves.

I really like this painting effect of light on this art subject because it just makes the flower seem to pop out from the canvas. Creates a feeling of being able to pluck the flower from off the canvas surface. I still need to paint a fine detailing of the veins on the leaves to present a realistic look to the flower.

From the green mixture a little Alizarin Crimson was added to make a dark grey colour which was brushed on for the shaded areas in the Apple Blossom.

The steel highway structure in the background was also highlighted in some areas to enhance the surface look of the metal. This also helped to push the Apple Blossom flower forward in the artwork. I'll let this dry and move on to painting the other flowers and come back near the end of completion for some final painting touches.

Friday, October 7, 2016

"Move Over People" Oil Painting

Latest painting session on the "Move Over People" oil painting was the background clouds where enhanced with Zinc White which really makes them standout.

Boosted Post

September 9, 2016 was the start date of the recent Facebook post sent out to the major cities in the United States. The result was that it reached 731 individuals with 28 likes and 1 share. That's almost a 4 percent in reaching interested ones with a life saving message.