Monday, December 24, 2012

Thumb Nail Sketching

 Today while watching an art show on PBS I realized a useful tool I'd been neglecting for my painting compositions. A simply little tool it is but none the less one that would keep my artworks on the right track. Before beginning the painting the artist had completed a thumbnail sketch.

 Sometimes I would hit a road block during the middle of a painting. I'd be half way brushing on the paint colors and then the question pops to my mind and asks, "Ok, where am I going with this artwork?" Oh, I hate that! What I needed is a road map to tell me what the finished artwork should look like. Then I'd know which direction to continue in before getting off the exit.

 So out of my artistic library shelving I pulled out an eleven by eight and half inch sketch diary with seventy sheets of drawing paper. With a ruler I started dividing and making square boxes about the size of four by six inches to a page. Now when an artistic idea for a composition comes to mind I can sketch it out and adjust it to my liking before beginning the actual artwork. What I now have is a reference or artistic road map to complete my paintings by.